Art, Etsy, Jewelry Design, One of a kind, Photography

Photography and Jewelry Design

The circle of life pendantThe Circle of Life – Pendant

Talking about Photography….

0ften I get questions about my jewelry photographs. What inspire me to showcase my creations the way I do.  As you can see from some of the photos posted from the beginning of this Blog  I love photography! Yes I really do!  I love that I can catch the moment and it will stay forever with a beautiful photo.  That alone it is very inspiring to me. Awakening  that instinctive creativity guided from my inner soul to get a great shot. I consider Photography another great Artistic way of expression and I love to use photos for my Digital Art. In Photography I am an “Amateur” if I can say that 🙂 ❤
I love to stage and take all the photos for my Jewelry Design you can see them in the gallery  Jewelry Portfolio. Each photo is inspired by  the moment, by the Jewel itself and by the story behind my creation. When I stage a photo I love to add natural elements like stones, leaves, fossils, flowers. I take all the photos without flash. I like the natural light, some photos are staged outdoors and some indoor.  When I am outdoor I wait that the sun go almost down like a pre-sunset light, or I wait for some cloudy days for a more soft light. I just love the whole creative process and I hope that you enjoy all my photos!

The Circle of Life

Copyright 2015 © Photography by Carolina Russo

16 thoughts on “Photography and Jewelry Design”

      1. I will try to do what I can I don’t know if photos are allowed I hope but for sure I will wite about it If you never heard the band “Animals as Leaders” I suggest you to check them out they very good instrumental! Tonight they will play too I can’t wait …


  1. How can that be? I missed that post!!! Glad you reblogged it, Carolina. Photography truly is a wonderful way of keeping the different stages of development in mind. It is wonderful to look back and see how far we’ve come 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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