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Anniversary 14 years in USA! And Anniversary for my Blog!

- Malibu - Photo ©Carolina Russo
Southern California – Photo ©Carolina Russo

c599f0be1f4aa79f8c6321aa7953c89eI moved from Italy in 2002

Today is my 14 years Anniversary here in USA
I just wanted to share this with my friends and because today it is also my Blog Anniversary on WordPress!


Happy Anniversary with WordPress.com!
You registered on WordPress.com 4 years ago!
Thanks for flying with us.

Keep up the good blogging!

After I signed up  on WP I had my Blog active but silent for about more than 2 years.F I have been without writing or posting anything but working behind the scenes!
First I wanted to reserve my domain name yesterdayafter.com since I love it a lot!

At the same time I was working on launching my Jewelry Design Collections, my Paintings, Digital Art, Poetry and all my creative work.
I was only working on the graphics and designs to customize the theme and layout of this Blog reflecting my own creativity.  I wanted to launch it as soon I was ready, but no word was ever posted. Some life events also slowed down the process. Then only on March 2015, I decided to jump in and I made a very small first post announcing the opening of my Etsy Shop.

I felt like I was a tiny drop into the ocean of the Blogosphere, almost impossible to be seen in between the millions of other Blogs, I felt so little but I kept going!
And you great people started to discover my Blog! I was posting once in a while my Jewelry and Artworks and I got very nice feedback! As Artist I express my Art and creativity in different ways, my posts are not always about the same subject. I work with different media and my followers showed appreciation and love for my talents. I actually like the variety between all the things I love! I like to surprise you with the unexpected.

“A Tip” that I can give to new Bloggers that feel a bit lonely and in need of friends and followers is to be active!

When I started, after a month that I got to see how it was blogging, I decided to go around leaving comments on other Blogs, and not just stay here reading. I let people know how much I loved their work and they responded to me beautifully with kindred words and they discovered my Blog and Art and started to follow recognizing me with Awards. I felt very honored for such a beautiful recognitions. Right now I have become an “Award Free” Blog but I am always honored from your nominations and I will post your link in the Awards Page!

Starlight Blogger Award 05/30/2015In May 2015 I also created my own Award to pass on  “The Starlight Blogger Award”  I launched this Award to highlight and Promote Inspiring Bloggers and I am so happy that the Award is going all over around the world! I see lots of Bloggers that link to me using this Award!

Last year I decided that I wanted to do something to give back to this beautiful Community and help to bring Blogs together I started my weekly Meet and Greet Event  this year is named Meet and Greet Fridays! And Every month  I choose to Feature one Blogger and Blog that I admire and I am Inspired from, introducing  them to inspire others.

I felt very welcome here I discovered amazing Blogs and Bloggers that are beautiful friends and I also had the opportunity to meet some in person!

I also found an amazing Community of Artists that is very supportive and inspiring!

I am stunned and amazed about the fast growth it’s fascinating!

…..THANK YOU to ALL…..

each one of you made this happen leaving your comments and love!

I am very happy because our strength together is very powerful and encouraging to keep going I am so grateful for you!
Stay connected and support each other good things will come and never stop dreaming!

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Thank You!

©Copyright Carolina Russo – yesterdayafter.com

67 thoughts on “Anniversary 14 years in USA! And Anniversary for my Blog!”

  1. Happy Anniversary to you Carolina (or should I say Anniversaries). May you have many more blogging years to come and that your days in the US continue to bring you prosperity. Yesterday was also a good day for me when I found out I had 50 followers in less than 2 months of blogging. While it may not be that much, I have often said in my posts, the best thing that I have discovered in blog land are the connections i was able to establish with a lot of the bloggers on the journey.
    Writing has opened up another world for me and met people who are encouraging as they share their stories. I think that the connection itself is enough reason to continue and pay forward the kindness other bloggers have shown. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much I am happy that you are part of my new friends here! Congratulations for you too for your 50 followers this is a great accomplishment it is not easy at all in the beginning more will come just don’t count them and you will be surprised .I always said that is not about numbers but there is a lot more. I love the connections I made during my blogging year I got in touch with great people that otherwise I wouldn’t if wasn’t for my Blog! I wish you great time and connections for years to come with your blog ! Best wishes 😉 Carolina


  2. Happy Anniversary to you 🙂
    I can so relate to what you have written. The blogosphere is so vast and I really feel like drop here. I have just started blogging a month back and I am so glad I discovered you and your blog. You are inspiring 🙂 Thank you!
    Also, I really love your initiatives of starting your own award and the greet and meet sessions. Unique and spreads happiness all around. It is so happy to know that you are doing your bit and giving back to others what you received. “What goes around comes around”
    Much love to you and your work ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Komal for your kind words. I am happy to give a hand to others. I am glad that you found my Blog and that you find inspiration and happiness here! I appreciate the follow very much and I will visit your Blog soon and follow back! 😉 I am about to post in 30 minutes the Meet and Greet for this week and when you see the new post please leave your link so that other Blogs can discover yours! Stay connected! 😉 and welcome to my Blog! ❤


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