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1000 Milestone And 2 Years Blog Anniversary!

Golden Sky – Photography ©Carolina Russo

Hello everyone,

today I am celebrating a special day for me, something that I would’ve imagined was ever possible! Two years ago I started this Blog in connection with the opening of my first Etsy shop for the launch of my Jewelry designs collections. Yes today is “YesterdayAfter two Years Blog Anniversary!” ❤ So much has happened during these two years lots of new experiences, lots of art,  lots of amazing connections only possible because this Blog. So much appreciation and encouragement I have received from all of you that follow me and so much encouragement I have the opportunity to give  to support, inspire and motivate others that crossed my path here, it is so beautiful! Having this Blog became part of daily life there is so much work behind it but I love every minute. This is my open window to the world, the opportunity to fly and share my art , my photography, my poetry and everything I am doing in all my creative ways.

Congratulations on getting 1,000 total follows on YesterdayAfter!
Your current tally is 1,004.


Two days ago I received from WordPress the message of this beautiful milestone of 1000 Follows today are already more. I cannot believe it! I would love to have all the 1000 in one place, it is lots of you and I truly want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, without you all this wouldn’t be possible! Thank you for taking your time whenever you stop here to see or read what I post,  thank you for leave me your beautiful comments and thank you for your amazing blogosphere friendship!
It is not about any number, I am very grateful for each one of you that from time to time showed a presence and that presence is telling me “I am here I like what you’re doing” this it is a great motivation for me and keep me going! I also want to thank everyone that purchased my creations supporting my art and my dream, it means the world to me since I am an independent full-time artist and will not be possible without your support! During the two years I have come across a wonderful group of artists and  together we are the “world watercolor group is nice to do challenges together, I have participated to beautiful worldwide art challenges like the World Watercolor Month, InkTober when I created my character ©Ylia and many more. I came across great Literary and Anthology Press and I had several of my poems and short stories published, also I have participated to Poets For Peace and have my poem “Peace” published in their Anthology. I am so happy about that.  Thank you to everyone that featured my Blog and interviewed me I am so grateful! I loved to Feature Blogs and inspiring people and once in a while lately I am interviewing other inspiring artists, bloggers, music composers I will keep doing this. As today I have more than 500 posts, 11.000 of comments and close to 50.000 views it’s amazing. I only mention these numbers to inspire new Bloggers that here great things are possible there are many of my blogger friends that have numbers way bigger than mine and I repeat is not about the numbers, but about your passion to love what you’re doing and that passion shows and shine out and that is what matter, love what you do no matter what if you have 1 follower or 50,000, keep spread love, shine your light and inspire others!

Stay connected and have a great weekend!


Thank You!

 Copyright ©Carolina Russo –