Life, Nature, Photography, Seasons


Today I want to share this beautiful photo I took last night at the sunset.
Almost every night we go on a hike on the hills around the area and I am experiencing some of the most amazing sunsets! Yesterday when I took this shot I was all the way on top of one of the hills. I took this photo with my phone quickly without thinking too much, I just wanted to grab that beautiful moment and the lovely colors in the sky. When I came back at home I opened the photo on my computer and with a beautiful surprise I see that I have been able to capture that amazing red sun ray I found it to be so beautiful and amazing like a Divine sign. I didn’t edit this photo at all it is just as I captured it. I like the time spent hiking those hills it is a great way to workout and it is beautiful to be immersed in the wild nature, there is silence up there a place to meditate and listen the inner voice of your soul blending with the wind.

Over the Hills

This is another photo I took a while ago on the same Hills and it is almost on the same spot I took the shot of the sunset.  This one was taken few months ago at early time when the sun was still high in the beautiful blue sky.

“We are the creators of our own happiness we have to see it…”

Photography Copyright© Carolina Russo