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Inktober – Drawlloween Day 1: Werewolf with a Swift

– Werewolf with a Swift –
Day #1 Drawlloween – InkTober 2017

Day #1: Werewolf with a Swift ©CRusso

Today is the first day of October and the start of InkTober 2017!

Every year in October since 2009, artists all over the world take on the InkTober drawing challenge created by Illustrator Jake Parker  by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month. (read my previous post) Other amazing artists have created their own challenges during October. This Year I will Join two amazing challenges InkTober and Drawlloween is a little more spoocky Halloween themed created by Pop Surrealist artist Mab Graves! I will create my daily drawings inspired by the combination of the two Challenges daily prompt words and I have combined the names creating my challenge “DrawllooweenTober”  yes this is my plan to be able to join and drawing daily for both amazing challenges at the same time,  if you like to join my way, use also hashtag #drawlloweentober

Details about my paintings:
 My Ink drawing is outlined with ink pens. Pentel Pocket Brush black ink.  Ink pens used COPIC Multiliner Black ink #03 and 05 . A Alvin Draft/Matic #03 Limited Edition Pink Mab Graves Pencil. A dash of watercolor  I used  French Artists Watercolors  Sennelier  l’Aguarelle,  Pentel Aqua Brush – I painted on Bee Paper for watercolor 140lb, 100% cotton, cold pressed, size 6×9 inches .


I have a second Instagram account dedicated to my Art please follow me there! @carolinarussoart


October Challenge!

Visit my DrawlloweenTober GALLERY  and follow my daily drawings!

Good luck to everyone join the challenges!

Thank You!
Thank You!

©Copyright Carolina Russo – yesterdayafter.com