50 Words Story, Art, Doodlewash, Drawings, Illustration, My Paintings, National Days, Poetry, Short Stories, Sketch Book, Uncategorized, Watercolors

National Tell A Story Day


Peaceful – Original Watercolor ©Carolina Russo

Deep Water

Surrounded by the blue deepest water. The reflections of floating emotions, loaded the mind and body in a fearless state.Tranquillity and silence flying through the broken branches of a life experience, were glowing under the warm sunlight.
Suddenly warm rain drops of happiness joined the deep water becoming one.

A 50 Words Story ©Carolina Russo


Today for April Celebration is National Tell A Story Day!

I hope that you enjoyed to read my little story and that did bring you some good feelings and thoughts during this day or evening. I wanted to combine two of my artistic and creative way of expression, “Watercolors and Writing”. I wanted to share one of my 50 words stories “Deep Water” and illustrate it I with one of my watercolors that I painted few years ago for my mom.

National Tell a Story Day is observed in the United States each year on April 27th.
We are all encouraged to share all kinds of stories on National Tell a Story Day. Whether it’s read from a book, one from your imagination or an actual story from a childhood memory, April 27th is the day to gather friends and family and share those stories.

Details about my
 I used a basic watercolor palette Artist’s Loft Fundamental watercolor pan set  this pan set is considered for beginners but I enjoy it for the variety of colors and use it a lot for sketching. I also used a  Pigma Micron Black Ink pen #005 over a Watercolor Cold Press 140lb paper!

With this Celebration of National Tell A Story Day, I am also join Charlie at doodlewash celebrating a National or International Day with a doodlewash!  You are welcome to join with your doodlewash!  Tag your image #doodlewashaday.

I also like to thank Teresa Ronson for adding me in her list for this month participating to the #SelfieDay


#doodlewashaday #NationalTellAStoryDay

©Carolina Russo
©Carolina Russo


©Copyright Carolina Russo – yesterdayafter.com


A Story in 50 words – Deep Water

Malibu - Zuma

Deep Water

Surrounded by the blue deepest water. The reflections of floating emotions, loaded the mind and body in a fearless state. Tranquillity and silence flying through the broken branches of a life experience, were glowing under the warm sunlight.
Suddenly warm rain drops of happiness joined the deep water becoming one.



©Copyright Carolina Russo