50 Words Story, Challenge, Creativity, Emotions, Featured, Nature, Ocean, Poetry, Published work, Short Stories, Uncategorized, Writings

My short story “Deep Water” Published on Visual Verse!

VisualVerse Prompt Image
VisualVerse Prompt Image by Megan Archer


Today I am happy to share that my short story “Deep Water” has been published on Visual Verse Anthology of Art and Words.

Read my 50 Words Story  here:  Visual Verse Anthology – Vol. 03 Chapter 10 –  Deep Water.

You can read more of my writings published on Visual Verse here on my Author Page.
I am also posting the link  to the Archive with all the images and writings published until now!


Thank you for reading and as always I love your comments!
Have a great week!

Thank You!
Thank You!

©Copyright Carolina Russo – yesterdayafter.com




50 Words Story, Art, Digital Art, Emotions, Illustration, Indie, Life, Love, Nature, Photography, Poetry, Published work, Short Stories, Uncategorized, Writings

My 50 words Story “Deep Water” Published on Spillwords

Deep Water - Digital Art ©Carolina Russo
Deep Water – Digital Art ©Carolina Russo

Today is another great day for me!


Literary Press

“home for all that live and breathe words, spilled or inspired,
through literature of every genre, from writers and poets of every walk of life”

I am very happy  to have my 50 words story “Deep Water” Published on this great Literary Press.
I am honored to be listed as one of their contributor writers.

A special thank you to the Editor for publish my story.

Please give a visit to  Spillwords and check it out is a very interesting press!


I wish you all a lovely weekend!

©Carolina Russo
©Carolina Russo

©Copyright Carolina Russo – yesterdayafter.com