Etsy, Etsy Treasury

Avant garde Tradition & Innovation

I create this unique and beautiful Treasury reflecting my passion for antiques, couture, avant garde tradition and innovation.

I love to share with you this new Treasury with the theme:

Avant garde Tradition & Innovation

I just love to make these very inspiring Treasury Lists on Etsy, it is another way to express yourself throughout things you love.

I already made another one last week with the title:

Up to the Moon…

This is a way to discover new and other creative artists and highlight their beautiful creations.
I wish you nice enjoyment while browsing these great collections….

One of a kind

Is known as the Love stone “Rose Quartz” new design…

“LOVE” – Rose Quartz is a natural gemstone known as the Love Stone…
this beautiful crystal has healing power and emits strong vibrations of unconditional love. The energy that emits clear and purifies, opening the heart to promote love in any situations. Wearing jewelry with rose quartz helps you to feel self-worth love, is calming and relaxing and protect from negativity….

I like Rose Quartz, the lovely pale pink color and the translucent transparency inspire me with my designs creating  jewelry that’s connects with the beautiful energy and vibrations this stone has.

During the past days I have been working on a new custom request for another heart pendant with Rose Quartz. I create a new one-of-a kind design, similar but different to the other necklace I made. The new pendant has a different twist you can see it here from my sketch to life….

Rose Quartz heart pendant_2a copy

rose quartz heart#2c

rose quartz heart#2dC

rose quartz heart#2aC
I hope you like it as I do…

Art, Messages to readers, Uncategorized

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to Carolina Russo Art  this is my website and Blog, I hope that you enjoy my posts feel free to browse around my Art! The intent of this Blog is to share my Art, interact with other artists and inspired people, give support, inspire others and spread love and light to the world. I am open to collaborate with other creative artists, writers, musicians and everyone that connects and resonates with my work. I also accept Commissions  Contact me for an initial consultation.!

Fields and Waters Collection – Originals and Prints are Available
Check out my >>> New SHOP

Follow my work on Instagram @carolinarussoart

Thank you I appreciate your time!
Enjoy the visit and leave me a line!

I love to hear from you!